I met a nice guy yesterday at a party and he barbequed this wonderful meat patties, which he had prepared, following a apecial "concoction" he had fixed out of his mind. He was so nice to share it with me and here it goes for you!
Para mis amigos en español, va una receta de un amigo para que los que entran a la estación veraniega, preparen unos hamburgers "rericos"!
Put in food procesor/ Poner en una procesadora de alimentos:
1/3 cup fresh basil/1/3 taza de albahaca fresca
1/4 cup grated fresh parmesan cheese/1/4 de taza de queso parmesano fresco rallado
2 large shallots/2 cebollinos grandes
2 teaspoons red pepper flakes/2cucharaditas de pimentón
1 tablespoon of tomato paste/1 cucharada de pasta de tomate
1 1/2 teaspoons of kosher salt/1 1/2 cucharaditas de sal tipo kosher
Make a paste in the food processor with these ingredients,then mix them with the 2 1/2 pounds of chopped meat. Make a pattie. Press a hole in the middle of the patty and stuff it with a small piece of mozzarella cheese. Throw them to your barbeque. For a wonderful taste, get yourself a tasty hamburger bun and load it with ketchup, mustard and sweet pickles!
Hacer una pasta en el procesador con estos ingredientes, y luego mezclarla con 2 1/2 libras de carne molida. Rellenar la hamburgesa con un pedazo de queso mozzarella. Ponerlos a cocinar sobre la parrilla. Para hacer una hamburgesa apetitosa, ponerla dentro de un pan para hamburguesas y coronar la carne con Ketchup, mostaza y salsa de pepinillos dulces.
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