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miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011

Budín de Pan


Hola! Long time no talk!!!! Haha. I was away in Canada...getting some good recipes for you. I went to celebrate our Independence Day with a group of patriotic friends from London, Ontario. Wonderful trip...beautiful landscape, beautiful house and lots and lots of love from everybody. Thanks to the Belda's for all their efforts to make us happy while we were there!
Well, everybody took some peruvian dish for the party and I decided to cook the famous Pastel de Choclo. for which I already gave you the recipe, and also, Budín de Pan. This last dessert has been known since ''el tiempo de nuestras abuelitas" (our grandma's times). I guess they found a wonderful way to make use of all the leftover bread; which in those times must have been so tasty, since it was made from scratch and in those coal and wood ovens.
Well my dears, here comes the recipe, which can be augmented or disminished according to the number of people you want to please:

Budín de Pan...Bread Pudding
Around 8 pieces of yesterday's bread (2 days ago also works!!) or 3/4 of a loaf of bread.
Alrededor de 8 panes duros de ayer o antes de ayer (no pasa nada!) o 3/4 de un pan de molde grande.
1 can of evaporated milk
una lata de leche evaporada
In the can of evaporated milk measure 1 can of fresh milk of any percentage you wish.
Medir una lata de leche fresca en la lata de leche evaporada
1cup of sugar
una taza de azúcar blanca
1 melted stick of margarine
un paquete pequeño de margarina derretida (media taza)
1 teaspoon of vainilla extract
una cucharadita de extracto de vainilla
1 cup of raisins "borrachas"...that means...drunk. And you can make them drunk with a little cup of pisco or rum.
Una taza de pasas borrachas...emborracharlas con una copita de pisco o de ron
3 beaten eggs
3 huevos batidos

Mix the bread with the milks and tear it up with the help of a fork. Mezclar el pan con las leches y deshacerlo con la ayuda de un tenedor.
Add the melted breadstick. Agregar la margarina derretida.
Add the cup of sugar. Agregarle una taza de azúcar.
Add the vainilla extract and the raisins. Agregarle el extracto de vainilla y las pasas.
Beat the 3 eggs together and pour them inside the preparation. Mix everything well. Agregar los tres huevos batidos y echar dentro de la preparación. Mezclar bien.
Pour the puding in a caramelized pan (melt one cup of brown or white sugar and spread it evenly all over the pan). Echar el budín en un molde acaramelado (derretir una taza de azúcar rubia o blanca en el molde y extenderla alrededor de todos sus lados).
Cook in oven at 350 degrees F for aproximately 35 mins. or until you introduce a knife into the pudding and it comes out clean. Hornear en horno calentado a 350 grados F, por aproximadamente 35 minutos o hasta cuando se introduzca un cuchillo limpio en el budín, éste salga limpio.
If you want a nice moist pudding, you could cook it in the oven over a pan of water. Para que les salga un budín mas cremoso , meterlo en el horno a Baño María...o sea sobre un molde con agua debajo.
Have a nice day and always...remember me! Tengan un excelente día y siempre acuérdense de mí.

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